

As a popular breed of cats, the British Shorthair has been a favorite of many cat lovers since its first appearance in the late 1800s. With its round, plush appearance and friendly demeanor, it's no wonder that this feline has captured the hearts of many. And when it comes to the British Shorthair in black, it's even more of a showstopper. But just how much can you expect to pay for a black British Shorthair kitten?

The Cost of a British Shorthair Black Cat

The price of a black British Shorthair kitten can vary depending on the breeder and location. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1,500 for a purebred British Shorthair kitten, with black kittens being on the higher side of that range. The price can also be influenced by the kitten's age, gender, and breeding history.

If you're looking for a show-quality black British Shorthair kitten from a reputable breeder with a strong pedigree, you can expect to pay even more. A show-quality kitten can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000 or more. While this can be expensive, it's important to remember that you're investing in a healthy and well-bred kitten who comes from a long line of champions.

Factors That Affect the Price

There are several factors that can affect the price of a black British Shorthair kitten. Here are a few things to consider:


The breeder you choose can greatly impact the price of a kitten. A reputable breeder who breeds only healthy kittens and takes good care of their cats will charge more for their kittens. This is because a lot of time, effort, and resources go into breeding and raising healthy kittens that are ready for their new homes.


The location of the breeder can also impact the price of a black British Shorthair kitten. Breeders in high-demand areas like New York City or Los Angeles may charge more for their kittens than breeders in less-populated areas.


The gender of the kitten can also play a role in its price. Male black British Shorthair kittens are often more expensive than females because they tend to be larger and more robust.


The age of the kitten can also affect the price. Kittens that are older may be less expensive than younger kittens because they may not be in as high demand. However, it's important to remember that older kittens may not be as easily trained and socialized as younger kittens.

Breeding History

The breeding history of the kitten's parents can also impact the price. Kittens from well-known and reputable bloodlines can cost more because they're more likely to have desirable traits like a friendly personality or a certain look.


Overall, black British Shorthair kittens are a beautiful and valuable addition to any family. While they may be more expensive than other breeds of cats, their friendly personalities and plush appearance make them well worth the investment. When shopping for a black British Shorthair kitten, it's important to work with a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and well-bred kitten who will bring years of joy and companionship to your life.








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