

As a popular small pet, the hamster is a beloved companion for many households around the world. Hamsters are adorable, playful, and easy to care for. When it comes to discussing hamsters in English, one of the most common words for them is "hamster". But how do you pronounce this word correctly? Read on to find out.

Pronunciation of "Hamster"

The word "hamster" is pronounced as "HAM-ster". The first syllable is pronounced with the short "a" sound (like "ham" or "mat"), and the second syllable is pronounced with the "er" sound (like "her" or "turn").

Origin of the Word "Hamster"

The word "hamster" comes from the German word "hamstern", which means "to hoard". This is because hamsters are known for their habit of storing food in their cheeks and in their burrows. The word first appeared in English in the mid-18th century.

Types of Hamsters

There are several different types of hamsters, each with their own unique characteristics:

Golden hamsters are the most common type of hamster kept as a pet. They are social animals and enjoy the company of their owners.

Russian dwarf hamsters are smaller and more active than golden hamsters. They are also more prone to biting and can be more difficult to handle.

Syrian hamsters, or teddy bear hamsters, are larger and more docile than other types of hamsters. They are known for their long hair and cuddly personality.

Caring for Hamsters

If you're thinking of getting a hamster as a pet, it's important to know how to take care of them properly. Some key things to keep in mind include:

Providing a cage that is spacious enough for the hamster to move around in

Providing fresh water and food every day

Offering toys and activities to keep the hamster entertained

Cleaning the cage regularly to prevent odors and ensure the hamster's health


Hamsters are a beloved pet that have captured the hearts of many around the world. Whether you're a lifelong hamster enthusiast or just starting to learn about these adorable creatures, knowing how to pronounce their name correctly is a must. Now that you know how to say "hamster" in English - go out and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge!








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