

Cats are often associated with cuteness, cuddliness, and being great household pets. However, there is another side to cats that is less talked about. Cats have been known to be fierce protectors of their territory and their loved ones. In some cultures, cats are even believed to be guardians of the underworld, or Hell. In this article, we will explore the idea of cats as guardians of Hell and what this means for our understanding of these creatures.

The History of Cats in Mythology

Cats have been a part of human society for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as the embodiment of the goddess Bastet. They were believed to be protectors of the home and were even mummified alongside their owners. In Norse mythology, a great cat named J?rmungandr guarded the gates of Hel, the underworld. In Japan, the lucky cat, or Maneki-neko, is believed to bring good fortune to its owner.

Cats as Guardians of Hell

In some cultures, cats have been associated with the world of the dead. In Celtic mythology, the goddess Cerridwen was said to have a cat called Creirwy that helped her guard the entrance to the underworld. In some Native American cultures, cats were believed to be able to walk between the worlds of the living and the dead. In some Christian traditions, cats were seen as companions to witches and were believed to be carriers of evil spirits.

Cats as Protectors of Their Territory

Even without the associations with Hell and the underworld, cats have always been known to be fierce protectors of their territory. Cats mark their territory with urine, feces, and scratches on trees and furniture. They are known to hiss, arch their backs, and even attack when they sense a threat to their territory, whether it is from other cats, dogs, or humans.

The Importance of Understanding Cats as Guardians

While it is easy to see cats as cute and cuddly pets, it is important to understand their true nature as protectors. This understanding can help us to appreciate their unique abilities and to treat them with the respect they deserve. It can also help us to better care for them by providing them with the proper nutrition, environment, and medical care they need to thrive.


In conclusion, cats are not just cute and cuddly pets. They have a long history in mythology and have been associated with the world of the dead in many cultures. Even without these associations, cats are known to be fierce protectors of their territory. Understanding these aspects of the feline nature can help us to better care for them and appreciate their unique qualities.








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