

The British Shorthair cat is one of the most popular breeds in the world, known for its calm and gentle temperament. However, there is a variation of the British Shorthair that is gaining popularity, and that is the German Rex cat or the Deutsch Langhaar.

What is a German Rex cat?

The German Rex, also known as the Deutsch Langhaar or the German Longhair, is a cat breed that originated in Germany in the 1940s. It is known for its curly and soft coat, which is similar to the Cornish Rex cat. However, unlike the Cornish Rex, the German Rex has a thicker coat that is more suitable for colder climates.


The German Rex has a medium-sized body with a robust build. It has a round face with big, expressive eyes and small, rounded ears. The coat of the German Rex is its most distinctive feature, with its soft, wavy curls that cover its entire body. The coat can come in various colors, including black, white, blue, and cream.


The German Rex is an affectionate and friendly cat that enjoys the company of its owners. It is known to be very loyal and will follow its owners around the house. The German Rex is a playful and energetic cat that likes to play with toys and interact with people. It is also known to be very intelligent and is quick to learn new tricks and commands.

Caring for a German Rex

The German Rex is a easy cat to care for due to its thick coat that does not easily mat. However, it is important to regularly groom the German Rex to keep its coat healthy and shiny. Bathing is not necessary as the German Rex's coat is naturally self-cleaning, but occasional bathing can help to remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate. The German Rex is also prone to obesity, so it is important to feed it a well-balanced diet and to provide regular exercise.


The German Rex is a unique and charming breed that is gaining popularity due to its curly and soft coat. It is also known for its friendly and affectionate personality, making it a great choice for families and individuals looking for a loyal and loving companion. With proper care and attention, the German Rex can live a long and healthy life.








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