

Pangolins, also known as scaly anteaters, are unique and fascinating creatures that are native to Africa and Asia. They are the only mammals that are fully covered in scales, which are made of keratin, the same material that makes up human hair and nails. There are eight pangolin species in the world, four in Africa and four in Asia. Unfortunately, all eight species are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, hunting, and trafficking.

Habitat and Behavior

Pangolins live in a range of habitats, from forests to grasslands to deserts. They are solitary animals that are largely nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. Pangolins are excellent diggers and spend much of their time burrowing in search of food or a place to rest. They are also good swimmers, which allows them to escape threats or cross rivers and streams.


Pangolins are insectivores, which means they primarily eat insects. They use their long, sticky tongues to catch ants, termites, and other small invertebrates, which they swallow whole. Pangolins can consume up to 20,000 ants or termites in a single day!

Defense Mechanisms

When threatened, pangolins have a unique defense mechanism. They curl themselves up into a tight ball, with their tough scales on the outside, to protect their soft underbelly. Some species also have the ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid from their anus as a deterrent to predators. While these defense mechanisms are effective against natural predators, they are no match for humans, who continue to hunt pangolins for their scales and meat.

Conservation Efforts

Due to their threatened status, pangolins are protected by international law. However, illegal hunting and trafficking continues to pose a significant threat to their survival. Many conservation organizations are working to raise awareness about the importance of preserving pangolin populations and combatting the illegal trade in pangolin products. To support these efforts, it is important to avoid purchasing pangolin products and to support legal and sustainable wildlife conservation efforts.


Pangolins are unique and intriguing animals that face numerous challenges to their survival. Through conservation efforts and raising awareness, we can help protect these fascinating creatures and ensure their survival for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.








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