

  • 忠犬八公的经典影评英文,忠犬八公的英语影评
  • 忠犬八公英文影评100字
  • 初一水平 花木兰 狮子王 汽车总动员 各一英文影评 60字左右 初来乍到
  • 极地特快的英文观后感
  • 忠犬八公英文影评 1000字的
  • 忠犬八公英汉影评120词
  • 忠犬八公英文影评100字



    The highlight of the film lies in Richard Kiel and Bagong. Professor Parker played by Richard Kiel is a gentle and kind-hearted intellectual man. Bagong is like Professor Parker's second child. The film describes the details of their lives.

    The first half focuses on some interesting things encountered after meeting, and the second half describes the story of adult Bagong waiting, Although Professor Parker has been unable to realize the move brought to him by Bagong.








    初一水平 花木兰 狮子王 汽车总动员 各一英文影评 60字左右 初来乍到

    各一个 初一水平 60字左右!!!!!你们的作业吗?我只知道功夫熊猫的。
    I like the film <> very much!The panda is brave and animals in the film are great,I love I don't like dalong,he is a cheater,and he is also the panda beat him at last.
    I will be a person like the is most important is,he is a real hero!He is my idol!


    我要的是英文的观后感....不用太长功夫熊猫It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths. 观后感 原创 有许许多多的影片,他们不断讲述人们应该如何相信生命、相信奇迹,然而这种信念只能进入我的大脑皮层,而不能渗透进我们的骨子。《极地特快》却是一部真真正正让我领悟让我感动的片子。初看第一遍的时候,是被他的特技效果给震撼住了:列车冲下巨大的高差,男孩在布满白雪的车顶上滑行,还有三个孩子掉进了礼物传送带。全片看完倒有一种刚刚结束冒险之旅的感觉。然而,时隔一个月后第二次观看,另一种感觉逐渐涌现,越来越强,越来越强,当我正视它时,发现居然是感动。是啊,随着年岁的增长,生活中太多东西被我们理所当然的看成是不可能。我们自觉得有了先进知识的装备,就能用理性判断一切。我们甚至不愿去幻想(在现代社会,幻想被看作是一种浪费时间和无知)我们嘲笑幻想的人,其实他们和年幼的孩子一样,是精神世界最富足的一群…… 在影片的最后面,当男孩拿起失而复得的铃铛时,我的心也随之快乐起来;可当他的妈妈接过铃铛晃了晃发现没有声音时,我不禁莫名的难受起来。是的,她相信这是一个坏掉的铃,就如同她相信不会有圣诞老人不会有极地特快一样。接着,他自叙到,随着年龄的增长,就连他的妹妹也听不到银铃声了,似乎暗示着,只有童真的、相信奇迹的人才能听到那悦耳的铃声,才能永永远远体会铃声带来的满足与欢愉。在影片最后一幕中又重现了刚开始的场景,男孩(更准确地说应该是成年后的男孩)紧握着铃铛,锁着双目,似乎在享受、似乎又在努力地挣扎着挽留这串声音。有时候人的许多苦恼和不开心都来源于人的不相信,但事实上,许多时候,我们又何必如此计较事情的真实与否呢。一种理性科学的解答牺牲的却是童年的幻想与充愉,我宁可不要这样的交换。我还记得小时候那个猴子捞月的故事,其实放盆清水在月光下,看着皎洁的月亮出现在水盆里,是一种多么难以言喻的奇妙感觉啊。可是自作聪明的大人总是不厌其烦的告诉我们事实的真相,甚至那个故事中的那些猴子也成了可怜的反派角色。当我们幻想着多啦啊A梦住在云层上的王国时,我们又被告知,云层是由无数小水滴组成,云层上根本不可能站人,更不可能有亡国。于是伴随着失望,我们告别了童话,我们也不愿再轻易相信。影片看完了,那个大大的印在车票上的BELIEVE却久久在我脑海中挥洒不去。就让我们相信从没见过圣诞老人,或许是因为它太忙;相信圣诞老人爱着关心着所有孩子,无论贫贱富贵:相信所有梦想与奇迹,只要你相信,终有一天会实现……

    忠犬八公英文影评 1000字的


    This one really will make you cry, even those who think they can't. Hachi, full name Hachiko, is an Akito dog from Japan. In this film he is sent to America, where his story unfolds. But there was a real Hachi, who lived in Japan, and this story is true, although it really all took place in Japan. So famous is the real dog Hachi that a life-size bronze statue of him was erected in his home town in his memory! By transferring the story of Hachi to America, it meant that Richard Gere could be 'Hachi's mother', the university professor who finds Hachi lost on a railway platform and with whom the little puppy bonds for life, with fanatical devotion. I was going to say with superhuman devotion, but I guess supercanine devotion is a better way to put it. I noticed that this film was distributed by a subsidiary of Sony, so perhaps that is how a Japanese tale ended up being transposed to Rhode Island, where Gere is presumably meant to be teaching at Brown University. (His educational and professional life is only roughly sketched.) The one false note in this film is Joan Allen, who plays Gere's wife. Although she was brilliant in OFF THE MAP (see my review), she gets the tone wrong here, which may be the fault of the otherwise brilliant Lasse Hallström, who has directed this film otherwise nearly to perfection. Allen falls into the trap in the early part of the story of acting the part of the censorious, sour and unsympathetic wife, who has become just as much a stock character in modern American movies as the embittered and vicious ex-wife or the 'angry young woman' who takes her revenge on men. Although Allen softens up as things go on, she is never convincingly warm either towards her husband or his dog, whom she initially fanatically opposes (for reasons which are entirely unclear other than the presumption that Gere's wife, not any potential girl dog whom Hachi might ever meet, is a bitch). I found that aspect of the film disappointing, disturbing, and incomprehensible. Hachi starts out as a puppy, becomes an adult, and then becomes an old dog, so there must have been at least three Hachis acting in the film. Hallström is known as a dog lover, and he aptly subtitles this film: 'A Dog's Love Story', as the attention is all on Hachi. Richard Gere is absolutely superb as the man who learns to love his dog more than anyone or anything. He and Hachi become inseparable, and every day at 5 PM, Hachi trots over to the railway station to meet his master's train and accompany him on the walk home. But Richard Gere has a heart attack and dies whilst teaching, and when Hachi goes to meet the train that day, his master does not appear as normal at the station door. Various events ensue, but Hachi cannot settle with any other member of the family, as they have all left the original house near the station, so Hachi returns to his post every day and waits for his master. He does this every day for ten years. (The real Hachi in Japan did it for nine years.) He faithfully waits and scans the station door every day at 5 PM, never giving up hope or losing his loyalty to the man he adores. He does this come rain or shine, he sits in the snow, he lives on scraps, but nothing can deter him or shake his loyalty. There are some really good performances by minor characters associated with the station, a hot-dog seller (sensitively portrayed by the Indian actor Erick Avari), some station employees, and other locals such as a friendly butcher and his wife, and even a real Japanese professor (excellently played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) who had been a friend of Gere, who comes and speaks to Hachi in Japanese, which Hachi from his facial expression clearly recognises. Hachi's point-of-view shots are all shot in black and white, from ground level, presumably on the theory that dogs do not see in colour. They are very effective indeed, which is not an easy thing to pull off. I don't know why poor Hachi was left outside at night in a doghouse. Any half sensible person would have wanted Hachi in the house at night, rather than in the cold during the winter, however thick his fur might be. But then people are weird, and only dogs are sensible and loving, as this film proves. If ever a dog could teach us all something it is Hachi. He can instruct us in the true meaning of the word 'loyalty', both the dictionary meaning of which and the daily application of which have become so unfashionable in our current narcissistic society, where no even looks at another person anymore, as everyone's eyes are now out of focus, staring into space vacantly while listening to someone talk nonsense on a cellphone, oblivious of all surroundings. This film is so sad and such a desperate weepie that even the most hardened narcissist might turn his Blackberry off for a few moments of reflection, that is, if he has sufficient attention span to watch two or three continuous minutes of anything other than a combat computer game. I had great fun watching this DVD with Dutch subtitles. I now know that 'Good Boy!' in Dutch is 'Brave Hond!', 'Really?' is 'Echt waar?', and if I ever want to call anyone 'Sweetie' when I am next in the Netherlands, all I have to do is say 'lieverd' and smile. So you see how much else Hachi has taught me? I really recommend turning on the foreign subtitles when you watch movies, as you can learn a foreign language at the same time as seeing the film. Such fun!


    To wait for your love for a decade, which contains almost the whole life-time
    of Hachi, it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has. This
    is why the film strikes us a one has the ability to show his love to
    only oneperson during his whole life, let alone make friends with only
    onepeople; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn
    thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion. We can’t! However,
    what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one who
    once love us and who we once loved.









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