

Apex Legends Bloodhound Quotes and How to Master the Legend

Bloodhound, the Technological Tracker, is one of the most popular Legends in Apex Legends. With their ability to detect nearby enemies and see through walls, Bloodhound is a great choice for players who want to stay on top of their game. In this article, we will dive deeper into Bloodhound's abilities and quotes, and provide tips on how to master this Legend.

Bloodhound's Abilities: A Tracker's Toolkit

Bloodhound's tactical ability, Eye of the Allfather, allows them to detect nearby enemies, traps, and clues. It also highlights enemies through walls, making it a powerful tool for tracking and reconnaissance. When activated, Eye of the Allfather has a short cooldown, making it easy to use frequently.

Their ultimate ability, Beast of the Hunt, provides enhanced senses and increased speed, allowing for faster movement and easier tracking. It's a great ability for engaging enemies or retrieving downed teammates.

Finally, Bloodhound's passive ability, Tracker, shows the location and age of enemy footsteps, giving them a huge advantage in locating enemies.

Bloodhound Quotes: Honoring the Allfather

Bloodhound is known for their deep voice and Viking-inspired phrases. Here are some of their most iconic quotes:

- "The hunt begins."

- "I am the hunter the gods have sent."

- "The Allfather graces me."

- "I will shed blood and honor the Allfather."

- "Lies will be compensated."

- "I will find them, and they will fear the Allfather."

How to Master Bloodhound: Tips and Tricks

Bloodhound's abilities make them an excellent choice for players who want to focus on tracking and reconnaissance. Here are some tips to get the most out of this Legend:

- Utilize Eye of Allfather frequently to detect enemies and traps. Use it before entering a new area, or if you suspect enemies are nearby.

- Use Beast of the Hunt to close gaps quickly and surprise enemies. It can also be used as an escape tool if needed.

- Always keep an eye out for enemy footsteps when using Tracker. Use it to locate enemies and plan your next move.

- Bloodhound's abilities are powerful, but remember they don't make you invincible. Use cover and positioning to your advantage.

- Communicate with your team. Bloodhound's abilities make them an excellent choice for a recon role, but they still need help from their teammates to engage and defeat enemies.


Bloodhound is a powerful and popular Legend in Apex Legends. Their abilities make them a great choice for players who want to focus on tracking and reconnaissance. By utilizing Eye of Allfather, Beast of the Hunt, and Tracker, and following our tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to mastering this technological tracker.








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