

When it comes to choosing the best food for our furry friends, pet owners are often faced with a dilemma – which brand and type of dog food to choose from? Among the many popular dog food brands in the market, two of the best-selling series are the Holistic and GO! dog food series. In this article, we will compare the two series to help you decide which one is better suited for your dog's needs.

What is Holistic dog food?

Holistic dog food is one of the best choices for pet owners who want to provide their dogs with complete and balanced nutrition. This dog food series uses high-quality, all-natural ingredients that are minimally processed to retain their maximum nutritional value. Holistic dog food does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives. It is made with a holistic approach, which means the diet is designed to meet the needs of dogs at every stage of their lives.

What is GO! dog food?

GO! dog food is another top-quality dog food series that is made with all-natural ingredients. This dog food series is designed to provide dogs with optimum nutrition and health benefits. GO! dog food contains high-quality protein sources and wholesome grains that are easily digestible. The food is free from by-products, artificial preservatives, and fillers. The GO! dog food series offers a variety of recipes to meet the individual dietary needs of different dogs.


Both Holistic and GO! dog food series are made with high-quality, all-natural ingredients that meet the nutritional requirements of dogs. However, there is a slight difference in their ingredients.

Holistic dog food uses real meat as its primary ingredient, such as salmon, chicken, or turkey. This dog food series also contains wholegrain brown rice, sweet potatoes, barley, and peas, which provide additional nutrition and essential vitamins and minerals. Holistic dog food does not contain any artificial colors or preservatives.

GO! dog food, on the other hand, uses premium quality meat, such as chicken, salmon, and turkey, along with a variety of wholesome grains and vegetables, such as oatmeal, brown rice, and carrots. The food is also enriched with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to promote good health and vitality in dogs. GO! dog food contains no artificial colors or flavors.

Protein Content

Both Holistic and GO! dog food series have high protein content, which is essential for a dog's growth and development. However, there is a slight difference in protein content.

Holistic dog food contains a minimum of 26% protein, while GO! dog food contains a minimum of 27% protein. The protein in Holistic dog food comes from real meat sources, while GO! dog food contains the protein from chicken meal, turkey meal, and salmon meal.

Grain Content

Both Holistic and GO! dog food series contain grains, which provide carbohydrates and fiber that dogs need in their diet. However, there is a slight difference in their grain content.

Holistic dog food contains brown rice, sweet potato, and barley, which are all wholesome whole grains that are easily digestible by dogs. GO! dog food contains a mix of oatmeal, brown rice, and white rice.


Both Holistic and GO! dog food series are great choices for pet owners who want to offer their dogs high-quality nutrition. The Holistic dog food series is made with real meat and whole grains and is perfect for dogs that have food sensitivities. GO! dog food series contains a variety of wholesome grains and vegetables, making it an excellent choice for dogs that need a high-quality diet with balanced nutrition. Ultimately, the choice between the two brands depends on the individual needs of your dog. We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.








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