

As cute and cuddly as they may seem, Scott Fold cats are not the best choice for a pet, especially if you're looking for a long-term companion. Here are a few reasons why:

They're Prone to Health Problems

One of the biggest problems with Scott Fold cats is their genetic makeup. Their signature trait, the ear fold, is actually the result of a genetic mutation that can cause a range of health problems. Among them are chronic pain and susceptibility to infections. In addition, Scott Fold cats have been known to develop severe ear and eye infections that can cost a pretty penny to treat.

They're High-Maintenance Cats

Another reason why Scott Fold cats may not be the best choice for a pet is that they require a lot of attention and upkeep. The folds in their ears, which are prone to infections, need to be cleaned regularly to prevent infection. They also have a tendency to develop skin irritations that require regular grooming.

They Require A Special Diet

In addition to their special grooming needs, Scott Fold cats also require a special diet to maintain their health. Because of their tendency to develop arthritis and joint pain as they age, they require a diet that is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. This can be expensive and difficult to maintain over the long-term.

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Scottish Fold Cat?

Despite their cute appearance, Scott Fold cats have a relatively short life expectancy. On average, they live between 11 and 14 years, which is on the shorter side for a cat. This is due in part to their genetic makeup, which makes them more susceptible to health problems as they age.


While Scottish Fold cats might seem like the ideal pet, they are not without their drawbacks. They are prone to health problems, require high levels of upkeep and attention, and have a relatively short lifespan. If you're considering getting a pet, it's important to think carefully about the breed you want to get and to do your research to ensure that you choose a pet that is right for you and your family.








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