

British Shorthair Fold Blue cat, also known as Scottish Fold, is a well-known breed of cat around the world. Its cute and chubby appearance, along with its folded ears make it a favorite among cat lovers. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of the British Shorthair Fold Blue cat and the price range of this breed.

Characteristics of British Shorthair Fold Blue cat

The British Shorthair Fold Blue cat is known for its unique physical features such as its blue coat, round face, large cheeks and a stocky body. The most attractive trait of this breed is its folded ears which add to its cuteness. The average weight of an adult British Shorthair Fold Blue cat ranges between 4-8 kg, and its height is between 12-14 inches. This breed has a calm, laid-back personality, making it an ideal pet for families with children, as it is patient and tolerant of kids.

Price range of British Shorthair Fold Blue cat

The price of a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat varies depending on several factors such as pedigree, bloodline, and breeder. If you are looking to purchase a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat, you should be prepared to spend between $800 and $2,500. The price of a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat is more compared to other cat breeds due to its distinctive physical features and the time and effort for breeding.

Factors that affect the price of British Shorthair Fold Blue cat

The price of a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat depends on various factors such as the breeder, age, gender, and quality. The pedigree and bloodline of the cat are also significant factors that affect its price. A cat from a famous bloodline may cost more due to the high demand, whereas a cat from an average bloodline may be less expensive. The quality of the cat is another vital factor, which includes the health, temperament, and appearance of the cat.

Where to purchase a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat

If you decide to purchase a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat, it is essential to find a reputable breeder. You can find breeders online, through pet stores or through recommendations from friends and veterinarians. You should always ask the breeder for their accreditation and ensure that they follow ethical breeding practices. Reputable breeders provide timely vaccinations, healthcare check-ups, diet recommendations, and microchipping for identification.


In conclusion, the British Shorthair Fold Blue cat is a popular and charming breed known for its unique folded ears and stocky build. The cost of this breed ranges from $800 to $2,500, and it may vary depending on the factors mentioned above, such as the quality and bloodline of the cat. When purchasing a British Shorthair Fold Blue cat, it is essential to find a reputable breeder to ensure that you get a healthy and happy pet.








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