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英文版加菲猫-英文版加菲猫2 手抄报介绍人物与主要内容

Title: Introduction to Garfield and Garfield 2


Garfield, originally created by Jim Davis in 1978, is a beloved comic strip character known for his love of lasagna, disdain for Mondays, and sarcastic humor. He has since been featured in numerous books, TV shows, and movies, including the live-action films Garfield and Garfield 2.

Garfield (2004)

The first Garfield movie, released in 2004, follows the lazy and overweight cat as he navigates life with his owner, Jon Arbuckle, and his lovable pooch, Odie. When Odie is abducted by a television personality who wants to use him for a talent show, Garfield sets out on a mission to rescue his furry friend.

The film received mixed reviews, but the portrayal of Garfield by Bill Murray was widely praised. The movie also features live-action and CG animation, blending the cartoon world of Garfield with the real world.

Garfield 2 (2006)

Garfield 2, released in 2006, finds Garfield and his friends, including Odie and Jon, traveling to London for a big adventure. There, Garfield switches places with a royal cat who looks just like him, leading to all sorts of confusion and hilarity.

The movie features the same mix of live-action and CG animation, and sees the return of many of the same actors and voice actors from the first film. While not as well-received as its predecessor, Garfield 2 still has moments of humor and heart.


Garfield is a beloved character with a rich history in comics, TV, and film. The live-action films Garfield and Garfield 2, while not perfect, offer a fun and entertaining take on the lasagna-loving cat and his misadventures. Fans of the character are sure to enjoy these films and their comedic portrayals of his hijinks.








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