

When it comes to buying a British Shorthair or English Shorthair cat, it's essential to know whether or not the cat is purebred. A purebred cat is a cat whose parents and ancestors are of the same breed, and it's essential to ensure the cat's pedigree is accurate to maintain its health and appearance. In this article, we'll discuss how to tell if your British Shorthair is purebred or not.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most significant indicators of a purebred British Shorthair is its physical characteristics. A purebred British Shorthair should have a muscular and compact body, a round face with chubby cheeks, and large, round eyes. The cat's ears should be small and rounded, and their coat should be dense and plush. The color of the coat can vary between blue, grey, black, and cream, and the fur should have a distinctive silver shine.

Additionally, purebred British Shorthairs should have straight-set ears and large, round paws with fur tufts between their toes. Their short tails should be thick and round at the base, tapering to a rounded tip. Any deviation from these physical characteristics may indicate that the cat is not purebred.

Pedigree Papers

To know for sure if your British Shorthair is purebred, you should check for pedigree papers. These documents provide information about the cat's lineage, including the names of its parents and ancestors of the breed. Having pedigree papers is essential if you plan to breed your cat or show it in a competition.

However, the lack of pedigree papers does not necessarily mean that the cat is not purebred. Many purebred British Shorthairs have no papers or may have lost them, making it crucial to look beyond the documents to the physical characteristics of the cat.

Breeder Reputation

The reputation of the breeder can also be an indicator of whether or not your British Shorthair is purebred. Reputable breeders are knowledgeable about the breed and its characteristics and are registered with a cat registry organization. They can provide you with pedigree papers and answer any questions you may have about the cat's lineage or health issues.

On the other hand, backyard breeders or kitten mills may not have the same knowledge or resources as reputable breeders, and their cats may not be purebred. It's crucial to do your research when choosing a breeder to ensure the cat you are getting is purebred and healthy.


In conclusion, there are several indicators of whether a British Shorthair cat is purebred. Physical characteristics, pedigree papers, and the reputation of the breeder are all essential factors to consider. It's important to do your research and work with a reputable breeder to ensure you get the purebred British Shorthair that meets your expectations and brings you joy for many years to come.








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