

Having a puppy is a great responsibility as they are prone to different types of illnesses. One of the most common issues with puppies is fever and cold. In this article, we will discuss the causes of fever and cold in puppies and what medicine to give them.

Causes of fever and cold in puppies

Just like humans, puppies can also suffer from fever and cold which can be caused by various reasons. The most common cause of fever and cold in puppies is a viral or bacterial infection. Some of the other reasons include:

Exposure to cold and damp environments


Poor nutrition

Weakened immune system

It is important to identify the cause of the fever and cold before giving any medication to the puppy.

What medicine to give to a three-month-old puppy with fever and cold?

It is always best to consult a veterinarian before giving any medication to your puppy. However, if the puppy has a mild fever and cold, some of the medication you can give them include:

Antibiotics: These medications are given to puppies who have bacterial infections.

Antiviral medication: This type of medication is given to puppies who have viral infections.

Fever reducer: You can give your puppy acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce the fever. However, it is important to note that you should never give your puppy aspirin as it can be toxic for them.

Nasal drops: If the puppy has a stuffy nose, you can give them nasal drops to help them breathe easier.

It is important to give the medication as prescribed by the veterinarian and not to give any medication without their advice.

Can I give my puppy human medication?

No, it is not recommended to give your puppy human medication. Even if the medication is safe for humans, it may not be safe for puppies as their bodies are different from humans. Giving the wrong medication to your puppy can cause severe harm to their health.

Preventing fever and cold in puppies

The best way to prevent fever and cold in puppies is to keep them at a healthy weight, provide them with proper nutrition, keep them up to date on their vaccinations, maintain a clean environment, and avoid exposing them to cold and damp environments.


While fever and cold in puppies are common, it is important to identify the cause and give them proper medication as prescribed by the veterinarian. Never give your puppy any medication without consulting a veterinarian. It is also important to take preventive measures to avoid future illnesses.








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