

Many college students want to have a pet, but the cost of raising an animal is often overwhelming. In this article, we will discuss how to raise a hamster even when you are a broke college student. Hamsters are an excellent pet for students as they do not require much space, are low maintenance, and have low initial costs.

What are the costs?

The purchase cost of a hamster is relatively low, usually around $10-$20, depending on where you buy it from. However, there are other costs to consider when keeping a hamster. These include:

Food - Depending on the brand, a bag of hamster food can cost anything from $5-$20 and will last a few months. You can also supplement your hamster's diet with fruits and vegetables, which are low-cost options.

Bedding - Hamsters require bedding to keep their cage clean and comfortable. Depending on the quality of the bedding, a bag can cost around $5-$15 and should be replaced every few weeks.

Cage and accessories - A hamster cage can cost anywhere from $20-$100, depending on the size and quality. Accessories such as a water bottle, feeder, and toys can add an additional $10-$20 to the cost.

Veterinary costs - Although hamsters are relatively healthy, accidents can happen. It is essential to have some money set aside for veterinary costs.

How to save money on hamster care

While there are costs associated with caring for a hamster, there are ways to save money while still providing excellent care for your furry friend.

Buy in bulk - Purchasing hamster food and bedding in bulk can save you money in the long run. Consider purchasing items online for the best prices.

DIY toys and accessories - Instead of buying expensive toys and accessories, consider making your own from household items. For example, you can make a hamster maze from cardboard or a hammock from a cloth napkin.

Adopt from a rescue - Many animal rescue centers have hamsters available for adoption at a lower cost than buying from a pet store.

Trade with other pet owners - Consider trading excess supplies with other pet owners to save money. For example, if you have an extra bag of hamster food, swap it for a different kind with another owner.

Take preventive measures - Keeping your hamster healthy and safe can prevent costly trips to the veterinarian. For example, regularly clean your hamster's cage to prevent illness, and do not leave dangerous items in their cage.


Raising a hamster on a budget is possible, it just takes some effort and creativity. By saving money on initial costs and finding ways to reduce ongoing expenses, you can provide a happy and healthy home for your furry friend. Remember to set aside money for unexpected veterinary costs, and always prioritize the well-being of your pet.








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