

Learning how to sing "We Learn How to Meow Together" is both fun and exciting. This song has become hugely popular in China and across the world, with millions of people enjoying singing along and dancing to it. While it may seem simple at first glance, the song involves different complexities that make learning it all the more interesting. In this article, we'll go through the song's music and lyrics, giving you a step-by-step guide to mastering it.

The Music

The song's instrumental composition is primarily piano-based, with a few electronic elements throughout. It starts with a soft intro, then builds up to a catchy chorus that's easy to follow along with. The song's tempo is upbeat and lively, making it a perfect dance track for parties or social gatherings. The music style of the song is J-pop, which is a type of Japanese popular music that has been widely embraced throughout Asia and beyond.

The Lyrics

The song's lyrics follow a theme of cats and their playful nature. The chorus is the most memorable part, as the lyrics encourage us to "meow meow meow" alongside the song. Here's a rundown of the full lyrics:

Verse 1:

Little cat, little cat, where have you been?

I've been to see the world, what did you see?


I saw a dog, a bird, and a big tree,

But the thing that interested me, was the bouncy bee.


We learn how to meow together,

One, two, three, meow meow meow.

We learn how to meow together,

One, two, three, meow meow meow.

Verse 2:

Little cat, little cat, what did you do?

I chased the bouncy bee, did it sting you?


No, it didn't, I'm too fast, don't you see?

Now let's learn how to climb a tree.


We learn how to meow together,

One, two, three, meow meow meow.

We learn how to meow together,

One, two, three, meow meow meow.

Learning the Song

Now that we've gone through the song's music and lyrics let's learn how to sing and dance along to it. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Listen to the song a few times to get familiar with the melody and lyrics. You can find it on YouTube or any music streaming platform.

Step 2: Sing along with the chorus while standing up, and move your body to the beat.

Step 3: Practice the footwork by taking small, rhythmic steps forward and backward or side-to-side. You can also try adding playful cat-like movements, such as pawing and jumping.

Step 4: Once you're confident with the chorus, move on to the verses and pre-chorus. Repeat the above steps while keeping up with the faster pace.

In Conclusion

"We Learn How to Meow Together" is a fun and upbeat song that's easy to learn and enjoyable to sing along to. Whether you're a cat lover or just looking for a catchy tune to dance to, this song is sure to bring some joy into your day. Follow the steps listed above, and you'll be on your way to mastering the song in no time.








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