

Hamsters are one of the most beloved pets across the world, especially among children. They are tiny, cute and make for great companions. The scientific name for a hamster is Cricetinae, which is why they are also known as cricetids. There are different types of hamsters, and they all have different characteristics that make them unique. In this article, we will be discussing the different types of hamsters, their characteristics and how to care for them.

Types of Hamsters

There are five common types of hamsters that are kept as pets:

Syrian Hamsters

Syrian hamsters are also known as golden hamsters. They are the most common type of hamster kept as pets because they are the largest and the easiest to care for. They are also one of the most sociable types of hamsters and can be trained and handled easily. Syrian hamsters have long hair and come in a range of colours like black, white, grey, and golden.

Dwarf Hamsters

Dwarf hamsters are smaller than Syrian hamsters, and there are three different types: winter white, Campbell's, and Roborovski. They have very distinctive features and are very active. They are known to run on a wheel, which is their favourite activity. Dwarf hamsters are not as sociable as Syrian hamsters and can be territorial, so they are best kept alone.

Chinese Hamsters

Chinese hamsters are small and thin, and they are very active. They are different from Dwarf hamsters because they have a longer tail and are more sociable. They are very curious and love to explore their surroundings. Chinese hamsters are also very easy to care for.

Russian Hamsters

Russian hamsters are also known as Djungarian hamsters. They are one of the smallest types of hamsters and are often kept in pairs or groups. They have a thick coat of fur and are very active at night. Russian hamsters are not as sociable as Syrian hamsters, but they are not as territorial as Dwarf hamsters.

Roborovski Hamsters

Roborovski hamsters are the smallest of all the hamsters and are known for their agility. They are very fast and difficult to handle, so they are not recommended for children. Roborovski hamsters are social, but they need to be kept in pairs or groups because they get lonely quickly.

Characteristics of Hamsters

Hamsters are very interesting creatures, and they have several characteristics that make them unique:


Hamsters are nocturnal animals, which means that they are most active at night. They spend most of their day sleeping and wake up in the evening to play and exercise. This is important to keep in mind when you are deciding where to keep your hamster's cage.

Winter white hamsters are unique because they change colour in the winter. They turn white to blend in with the snow and become brown again in the spring. This is a survival mechanism that helps them avoid predators in the wild.

They Store Food in Their Cheeks

Hamsters have large pockets in their cheeks where they can store food. This is important in the wild because it allows them to gather food quickly and bring it back to their burrow to eat later. In captivity, hamsters will often store their food in their cheeks and then transfer it to their food bowl.

Caring for Hamsters

Hamsters are very easy to care for, but they still need daily attention to thrive. Here are some tips for caring for hamsters:

Provide a Suitable Living Space

Hamsters need a cage that is big enough for them to move around in. A wire cage with a solid bottom is the best option because it provides good ventilation and allows for easy cleaning. The cage should also have a nest box or a sleeping area where the hamster can rest during the day.

Feed Them Properly

Hamsters need a balanced diet that includes a mix of seed, pellets, and fresh vegetables. They also need constant access to fresh water, and their food and water bowls should be cleaned daily.

Exercise and Play Time

Hamsters need plenty of exercise, and a wheel is the best way to provide it. The wheel should be big enough for the hamster to run comfortably, and it should be cleaned regularly. Hamsters also need playtime outside of their cages, but they should always be supervised to prevent accidents or escape.

Grooming and Cleaning

Hamsters groom themselves, but they still need help to keep their fur clean and healthy. Regular brushing will help prevent tangles and matting. Hamster cages should be cleaned once a week, and any bedding or litter should be changed regularly.


Hamsters are amazing pets that make great companions for children and adults alike. With a little bit of care and attention, they can be happy and healthy for many years. By choosing the right type of hamster, providing a suitable living space, feeding them properly, and giving them plenty of exercise and playtime, you can create a great home for your new furry little friend.








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