

It's every pet owner's nightmare when their beloved pet gets lost, even if it's just hiding somewhere in the house. If you have a Dragon Cat, also known as a Sugar Glider, and it's missing in your home, you must act quickly to find it. Here are some tips on how to lure it out.

1. Check Every Nook and Cranny

First and foremost, you'll need to do a thorough search of your home. Sugar gliders are small and agile creatures, and they can easily hide in small spaces. Check inside cupboards, under furniture, in closets, and in any nook and cranny you can find. Use a flashlight to help you see into dark spaces.

Also, make sure to remove any potential hiding spots. For example, if you have a pile of clothes on the floor, your sugar glider might find it a cozy spot. So, remove the pile of clothes to prevent your pet from getting lost or hurt.

2. Use Food to Tempt It Out

Sugar gliders are primarily nocturnal creatures, so they'll be more active at night. Find their favorite food, such as fresh fruit or yogurt drops, and place a small amount of it in a visible spot. Your sugar glider might come out of hiding to investigate the food.

Alternatively, you can try a more indirect approach. Place the food near the sugar glider's cage or favorite spot, and then wait nearby. Your pet might come out of hiding to investigate the smell of its favorite food, and then you can lure it back to its cage or a safe area.

3. Use Sound to Attract It

Sugar gliders have acute hearing, so you can use sound to attract them. For example, you can play their favorite music or make clicking sounds with your mouth. Your pet might be curious and come out of hiding to investigate the sound.

Again, you can also try a more indirect approach. Place a piece of paper or a plastic bag near your sugar glider's cage, and then wait nearby. The rustling sound might pique your pet's curiosity, and then you can lure it back to its cage or a safe area.

Can Dragon Cat Return to Its Own Cage?

Generally speaking, sugar gliders are capable of returning to their own cage. They have a strong homing instinct, and they'll remember the scent and location of their cage. However, this is not a guarantee, and it might take some time for your sugar glider to find its way back.

Therefore, it's important to take steps to help your pet return to its cage. Place its favorite food and toys inside the cage, and keep the cage door open. Your sugar glider might smell the food or see the familiar toys, and then it will return to its cage on its own.

In conclusion, losing your Dragon Cat in your home can be a stressful and frightening experience. However, by using the techniques above and being patient and calm, you can lure your pet out of hiding and return it to its safe cage. Remember to always keep a close eye on your sugar glider and provide a safe environment for it to explore.








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