

Do you want your British Shorthair cat to gain weight quickly? Feeding them the right food can help. In this article, we will discuss which cat food is the best to make your British Shorthair cat gain weight fast.

Wet or Dry Food?

When it comes to feeding your British Shorthair cat, it is important to consider the type of food they enjoy. Some cats prefer wet food, while others prefer dry food. However, wet food is generally better for weight gain, as it has a higher caloric content than dry food.

High-Calorie Cat Food

Another important factor to consider is the calorie content of the cat food. High-calorie cat food is the best option for British Shorthair cats who need to gain weight quickly. Look for cat food that has a high protein and fat content. This will help your cat to pack on the pounds in a healthy way.

Supplements and Treats

If you want to accelerate your cat's weight gain, consider adding supplements and treats to their diet. Supplements such as Feline Tonic or Nutri-Cal can help to stimulate appetite and promote weight gain. Treats such as tuna or chicken can also be given to your cat in moderation to help them gain weight.

Portion Control

While it is important to provide your British Shorthair cat with high-calorie food and supplements, it is equally important to practice portion control. Overfeeding your cat can lead to obesity and other health problems. Follow the feeding instructions on the cat food packaging, and consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of food for your cat's weight and activity level.


In conclusion, to help your British Shorthair cat gain weight quickly, feed them wet high-calorie cat food, add supplements and treats to their diet, and practice portion control. Remember to consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your cat's diet, and monitor their weight gain to ensure they are gaining weight in a healthy way.








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