

  • 一、用英语怎么描述猫啊
  • 二、用英文描写加菲猫的外貌速度啊
  • 三、猫咪品种介绍
  • 四、介绍猫的英语作文100词
  • 五、急急急!!!初一下册英语作文:介绍母亲(包括年龄、职业、外貌特征)
  • 一、用英语怎么描述猫啊

    1、I am a cat, and I came from xxxxx.


    2、Cat is a kind of animals with soft fur, snout, and retractile claws.


    3、I also have beautiful and magic eyes. They can change themselves in daylight or night.


    4、She is a cute cat. Her name is Kitty. She is 2 years old. She is white with black ears. I like playing with her. She likes chasing her tail.


    5、cats are cut animals and cats is a kind of animals with soft fur ,snout, and retractile has pointy ears, pound eyes. Dou you know? fishes and mice are their favorite food. they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at we should love cats ,because they are our best friends.



    Garfield is an orange, fuzzy, tabby cat born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant (later revealed in the television special Garfield: His 9 Lives to be Mama Leoni's Italian Restaurant) and immediately ate all the pasta and lasagna in sight, thus developing a love and obsession for lasagna.[35][36] Gags in the strips commonly deal with Garfield's obesity (in one strip, Jon jokes, "I wouldn't say Garfield is fat, but the last time he got on a Ferris wheel, the two guys on top starved to death"),[37] and his hatred of exercise (or any form of work; he is known for saying breathing is exercise.) In apition to being portrayed as lazy and fat, Garfield is also pessimistic, sadistic, cynical, sarcastic, sardonic and a bit obnoxious. He enjoys destroying things, mauling the mailman, tormenting Odie, kicking Odie off the table; he also makes snide comments, usually about Jon's inability to get a date (in one strip, when Jon bemoans the fact that no one will go out with him on New Year's, Garfield replies, "Don't feel bad Jon. They wouldn't go out with you even if it weren't New Year's.") Though Garfield can be very cynical, he does have a soft side for his tepy bear, Pooky, food and sleep, but one Christmas he says "they say I have to get up early, be nice to people, skip breakfast, not play with mice...I wish it would never end."[38]miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,miao,。世界“第一猫”首登荧幕2005年是加菲猫的26岁生日。
    The world "first cat" put the screen in 2005 is the first 26, Garfield's birthday.

    Since 1978 June 19th, it since the advent of the form with 4 case comic on the 2600 kind of newspapers around the world, cartoon version of it were sold 13 million copies, and owns 260 million avid readers.

    Probably because it forgo our world of mortals, language surprisingly unique charm and humanized free hedonism, this is a face of cats, this expression arrogance only completely free cat, this only love said FengLiangHua, coffee- guzzling, swig coffee, munch lasagna, dog-punting, see the mailman is apparent gruffness cat, became the world's most popular cat.

    After 25 years long wait, this only the world's most famous cats finally in 2004 in their screen virgin movies.


    1、苏格兰折耳猫苏格兰折耳猫 (学名: Felis silvestris catus ,英文名:Scottish Fold) 是猫的一种在 耳朵 有 基因突变 的猫种。由于这猫种最初在苏格兰发现,所以以它的 发现 地和身体特征而命名。这种猫非常能吃苦耐闹,继承了祖先看仓库猫的特点,性格温和,叫声很小, 它乐意与人为伴,并用它特有的这种安宁的方式来表达。2、英国短毛猫英国 短毛猫 ,体形圆胖,四肢粗短发达,毛短而密,头大脸圆,温柔平静,对人友善,极易饲养。大而圆的眼睛根据被毛不同而呈现各种颜色。作为一个古老的猫品种,其历史可追溯至古罗马时期的家猫,由于拥有悠久的育种历史,可以称得上是猫家族中的典范。英国短毛猫除了拥有固定而聚,代表性的遗传特征之外,又具有丰富的变异性,如背毛色眼睛颜色等。更重要的是,有了广泛的配种历史后,这种猫拥有了更健康的身体和更温驯的性格。3、美国短毛猫美国短毛猫,又称美洲短毛虎纹猫,美国短毛猫素以体格魁梧,骨骼粗壮,肌肉发达,生性聪明,性格温顺著称,是短毛猫中的大体型猫。是由美国人把欧洲猫与美洲大陆的土种猫加以改良而育成,是家猫中的传统品种。1971年,其被选为美国最好的猫种之一。4、波斯猫波斯猫(Persian cat)是以 阿富汗 的土种长毛猫和土耳其的安哥拉长毛猫为基础,在英国经过100多年的选种繁殖,于1860年 诞生 的一个品种。波斯猫是最常见的长毛猫,波斯猫有一张讨人喜爱的面庞,长而华丽的背毛,优雅的举止,故有“猫中王子”、“ 王妃 ”之称,是世界上爱猫者最喜欢的纯种猫之一,占有极其重要的地位。5、加菲猫加菲猫有着浑圆的眼睛,大而圆的头部,两眼间距较阔,脖子短而粗,鼻子很短,因为鼻节较短泪腺发达容易流眼泪,性格温顺,十分亲人。6、斯芬克斯猫加拿大无毛猫(Canadian Hairless)亦称斯芬克斯猫,是加拿大 安大略省 多伦多市 养猫爱好者在1966年从一窝几乎是无毛的猫仔中,经过近交选育,特意为对猫毛过敏的爱猫者培育成的。这种猫是自然的 基因突变 产生的 宠物猫 ,除了在耳、口、鼻、尾前锻、脚等部位有些又薄又软的 胎毛 外,其它全身部分均无毛,皮肤多皱有弹性。加拿大无毛猫性情温顺,独立性强,无攻击性,能与其它猫狗相处。7、布偶猫布偶猫,又称“布拉多尔(Ragdoll)”,发源于美国,是一种杂交品种宠物猫。是现存体型最大、体重最重的猫之一。头呈楔形,眼大而圆, 被毛 丰厚,四肢较长且富有肉感,尾长,身体柔软,毛色有重点色、手套色或双色等等。布偶猫较为 温顺 好静,对人友善。其美丽优雅又非常类似于狗的性格(Puppy cat)而又被称为仙女猫,小狗猫。特殊的外貌和温和的性格是布偶猫最大的特点之一。8、暹罗猫暹(xiān)罗猫是世界著名的 短毛猫 ,也是短毛猫的代表品种。种族原产于暹罗(今 泰国 ),故名 暹罗 猫。在200多年前,这种珍贵的猫仅在泰国的皇宫和大寺院中饲养,是足不出户的贵族。暹罗猫能够较好适应主人当地的气候,且性格刚烈好动,机智灵活,好奇心特强,善解人意。9、狸花猫狸花猫的原产地是中国,属于自然猫,是在千百年中经过许多品种的自然淘汰而保留下来的品种。人们最熟悉的就要算是“狸猫换太子”(宋朝)的故事了,这也是能够找到的最早有关于狸花猫的记录了,所以,狸花猫就有了一个这样的英文名字DragonLi,由CFA猫会授予。它非常受百姓们喜欢,因为它有漂亮、厚实的皮毛,健康的身体。容易喂养,并且对捕捉老鼠十分在行。


    I have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. One is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath.
    Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.



    My mother

    My mother’s name is has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice also likes dogs and cats.

    My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

    My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I makeprogress.

    My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!


    而卧妈妈叫泽楠。她是一个漂亮的女人. 她长发、大眼睛. 她喜欢运动,

    妈妈叫FanghongChen. 她是一个漂亮的女人. 她长发、大眼睛、两个小口. 妈妈喜欢运动和购物. 她是喜爱踢足球、练瑜伽毛球运动. 她最喜欢的食物是冰淇淋,. 她也很喜欢狗和猫.


    我妈妈还关心研究. 她总是帮助我学习弹琴. 她很高兴,当我取得进步.

    我非常爱我的母亲. 我爱妈妈!

    My Mother
    My mother is just over fifty, a little bit older than our republic nation, so she has experienced two periods just like our country, showing both the traditional goodness and modern ideas.
    Like all mothers, she is responsible and devotes most of her efforts to our family. So sometimes I feel regretful for her to give up her work, but she thinks it is the proper social role for a woman to be a housewife. She is satisfied with the family members' achievements. She insists on keeping her children under her wings. You see how traditional she is.
    However, since she is intelligent①and has received the high education, it is easy for her to accept something new. In recent years, she is interested in the stock②. Therefore, she cares about the political and economic③ situation of the country and the world, and actively collects information of the companies whose stocks she bought. What is more, she is a fan of the Argentine④football team. So she was very sad after the defeat of this team in the 14th World Cup Tournament ⑤.
    I love my mother, just because she loves me. Since we share some interests such as playing chess, we get chances to communicate⑥with each other, which makes us close friends.
    ①intelligent[in'telidN+nt] a.聪明的;明智的
    ②stock[st&k;] n.股票
    ③economic[?i:k+'n&mik;] a.经济(上)的
    ④Argentine ['a:dN+ntain] a.阿根廷的
    ⑤tournament ['tu+n+m+nt]n.锦标赛;比赛
    这是一篇介绍家庭成员的说明文。本文是典型的启、承、转、合结构的文章。“启”就是开始,即引言段,作者在该段写出篇题:“showing both traditional goodness and modern ideas”,指出“母亲”既保持了传统美德,又接受了现代意识。“承”即接续之意,也就是扩充引言段篇题方面的内容。本文第二段写“母亲”的传统美德,就是“承”的段落。“转”是用来表示与第二段相反或不同意见的内容,常用“however,but”等词语来表达。本文第三段即为“转”段,它说明篇题的第二层意思,也就是“母亲”的现代意识。所谓“合”就是结束,即指结尾段,该段往往综合前三段内容,对全文做一总结。本文作者总结说,由于母亲和自己的情趣相同,所以他们相亲相爱,如同亲密无间的朋友似的。









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