

As a proud owner of an adorable British Shorthair, you may have noticed that they shed quite a lot. British Shorthair cats are known for their thick, plush coats and their adorable round faces, but they are also notorious for leaving clumps of fur everywhere they go. If you're tired of constantly picking up cat hair, don't worry, there are several ways to manage excessive shedding in your British Shorthair.

Brushing your British Shorthair regularly

One of the easiest ways to manage shedding in British Shorthairs is by making brushing a regular grooming session. Brushing helps to remove any loose hair and distribute the natural oils throughout their coat. Regular grooming can also reduce the number of hairballs your cat may develop by removing the excess hair that your cat may ingest while grooming themselves. You can use a slicker brush or a matting comb to make sure that all the loose and dead hair is removed from their coat. It is essential to start brushing your cat when they are kittens to help them get used to it, and it is a great way to bond with them.

Provide a Healthy Diet

Your British Shorthair relies on a healthy and well-rounded diet to have a healthy and lustrous coat. If your cat is experiencing excessive shedding, it might be an excellent time to evaluate their diet. Make sure your British Shorthair cat food contains enough protein, carbs, and essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help to nourish your cat's skin and hair, giving it a healthy shine. If you're unsure about what to feed your cat, consult with your veterinarian to come up with a suitable diet plan.

Keep Your British Shorthair Hydrated

Dehydration can leave your cat's skin dry and itchy, making them more susceptible to excessive shedding. Always make sure that your British Shorthair has access to clean water, especially during the summer months when they may require more water than usual. Try to avoid giving your cat milk or dairy products, which may cause diarrhea and result in dehydration. Adding a little wet food to their diet can help increase their water intake.

Keep Your Home Clean

Even with regular grooming, your British Shorthair will still shed. Therefore, it's essential to keep your home clean by vacuuming and dusting frequently. You can also use a lint roller or sticky tape to remove any loose hair on your furniture, clothes, or any other surface your cat may come into contact with. Remember to clean your cat's bed and bedding to ensure they have a clean place to rest.


As a British Shorthair owner, you need to understand that shedding is a natural process for your cat. Fortunately, there are simple ways to minimize the amount of hair your cat leaves around your home. Brushing your cat regularly, providing a healthy diet, keeping your cat hydrated, and keeping your home clean are some of the best ways to manage your British Shorthair's shedding. With the right amount of care and attention, you can help your British Shorthair maintain their beautiful coat and continue to feel comfortable in their home.








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