

English short-haired cats, also known as British Shorthairs, are a popular breed of cats. They are known for their adorable round faces, big eyes, and plush coats. However, most cat lovers often wonder whether their cat is a purebred or not. In this article, we'll discuss how to tell if your English Shorthair cat is purebred.


The first thing to look at when trying to determine whether your English Shorthair is purebred is their appearance. British Shorthairs have a unique appearance that sets them apart from other breeds of cats. They have a large, round face, with chubby cheeks and a short, broad nose. Their eyes are typically large and round, set wide apart on the face. They have a plush coat that is dense and short, with a firm texture. However, it's important to note that not all purebred cats will have the same appearance, as there can be some variation within the breed.


The second thing to consider when trying to determine whether your English Shorthair cat is purebred is their pedigree. A pedigree is a record of the cat's parentage, which can help determine if they are from a purebred bloodline. If your cat has a pedigree, check to see if both parents are of the same breed. Additionally, look for the cat's breeder and check out their reputation. Reputable breeders are more likely to produce purebred cats, while backyard breeders or cat mills may produce mixed-breed cats.


The third thing to consider is the cat's documentation. If your cat is a purebred, they should come with documentation that proves their breed. This documentation typically includes a certificate of pedigree or a registration certificate. These documents will typically include information about the cat's lineage, as well as information about their breed. If your cat does not have documentation, it may be more difficult to determine whether they are purebred.


In conclusion, determining whether your English Shorthair cat is purebred can be a bit challenging. However, by paying attention to their appearance, pedigree, and documentation, you can get a better idea of their lineage. If you're still unsure, consider talking to a veterinarian or a reputable breeder to help determine if your cat is purebred.








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